Important Notice: Croton-Harmon Parking Lot Maintenance - 5/3 & 5/4

Attention Croton-Harmon train station commuters:

Please be advised that maintenance work is scheduled at the Croton-Harmon train station parking lot. On Friday, 5/3, milling operations will be carried out, followed by paving on Saturday, 5/4. As a result, certain sections of both Section I and Section H will be closed during these periods. Please refer to the map provided below for specific details regarding the affected areas (indicated by red boxes):


This milling and paving work is part of ongoing efforts to address ponding issues within the lot, ensuring a safer and more efficient parking environment for all commuters. These closures may result in some delays and limited parking. Please exercise caution and follow any posted detour signs or instructions from on-site personnel to ensure a smooth and safe commute. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this important work. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact the Village Office at 914-271-4781.